Your lungs are responsible for the act of breathing: bringing oxygen from the atmosphere into your blood stream and allowing your entire body to expel carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. Practitioners of Chinese Medicine also consider the lungs to be responsible for maintaining the water content in the body.
Your lungs do this in two ways: by evaporating the water from your blood and moving out the excess through your nose and the pores of your skin (the water “goes up,” according to the ancient Chinese); and by extracting water from the air and condensing it (causing it to “go down,” as the Chinese would say). This condensation goes into your blood stream and provides moisture to your skin and all the cells of the body. Some of it flows to your large intestine, which is a vital organ for moving waste out of your body.
Your large intestine is responsible for extracting excess water from the food you eat to prepare it for elimination and transporting food waste from your stomach out of your body.
If your lungs are weak and cannot adjust and balance the water content in your body, then your large intestine will lack vitality and will not be able to function properly. The result could be chronic constipation or diarrhea. If your large intestine is blocked or sluggish, this could result in lung imbalances and weakness such as laryngitis or asthma.
Every day for the two weeks of the program, Tienko Ting will remotely clear your lungs and large intestine using chi. This remote program is an opportunity to achieve a seasonal clearing of these essential meridians and organs.
If you have any questions about participating in the program, please email us at
Aug 25, 2025 – Sep 7, 2025