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Liver & Gallbladder Clearing

The Natural Chi Liver & Gallbladder Clearing Program

This profound two-week liver and gallbladder clearing program will produce the following results:

Physical Benefits

  • Greater flexibility and lightness
  • Deeper, more restful sleep
  • More efficient digestion and assimilation
  • Sharpening of vision
  • Increased energy overall
  • Natural, gentle elimination of toxins, congestion, and stagnation

Emotional Benefits

  • Reduction of anger, stress, and tension
  • Reduction or elimination of indecisiveness
  • Feeling lighter, happier, and more at ease

Spiritual Benefits

  • Freedom from stress and tension
  • Greater clarity, vision, and intuition
  • Renewed inspiration, appreciation, and joy
  • Being at peace

Thousands of years of Chinese Medicine speak of the liver and gallbladder as being ruled by the energy of spring. Because the energy of the liver and gallbladder is more active in spring, this is an excellent time to support these critical organs with a boost of Natural Chi to clear any stagnation or blockages.

This program is perfect for everyone to achieve an annual clearing of these essential meridians and organs. Working remotely, Tienko Ting will conduct chi energy clearing of your liver and gallbladder each day for the two weeks of the program.

If you have any questions about participating in the program, please email us at

Upcoming Dates

Feb 19, 2024 – Mar 3, 2024

The cost of this program is $300.
Register Now

What our clients say

I want to again thank you for the liver cleanse Natural Chi work. It was amazing. On the first day of the sessions (which I didn't know had begun), I was almost too tired to get out of bed. I rested and drank plenty of water. By the third day, I was discharging green gunk from my bowels. This went on for a few days. I went about my life as normal, but I noticed I was dropping weight. This continued even after the session was completed. I think I lost about 10 pounds as a result of the sessions. I also felt a peacefulness during this time. I did not want it to end.

Dennis Cooper

On the first and second days, I had bright yellow diarrhea. I felt some euphoria similar to what I had experienced during my activation. I had days with more energy, and some were very lethargic and slow. I rested and went to bed early. I am settling into my weight loss and feeling less fear. I had moments in the first week where my liver was tender. I’ve been working through lots of emotion these past few days, as gracefully as possible. I feel deep gratitude for the process and have a sense that this clearing was crucial and beneficial to my healing. Thank you again.

Gillian McFarland

Thank you for the Liver and GB Cleanse Program. I feel it supported me well. I was coming off a cold when the program started, and the first day of the program my cold completely cleared up. I think the program gave that extra. I sense being more open and flowing in my abdomen area. I wish the program were continuing. I appreciate the programs and look forward to more.


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